Stetser Elementary students learn sustainability at Garden for Good at Subaru Park 

As part of Philadelphia Union's Greener Goals initiatives, students from Stetser Elementary School students toured the "Garden for Good at Subaru Park" on Wednesday morning.

During the tour, they learned how to pick and plant produce while also discovering the sustainable benefits of the garden. Philadelphia Union partner Hoffmanā€™s Exterminating will also provide an educational session on bugs that are beneficial to the garden and that will then be released into the planters.

The ā€œGarden for Goodā€ came to fruition at Subaru Park in 2020 as part of an initiative to combat local food insecurity during the pandemic. The garden is maintained by the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society and Subaru employee volunteers and is Chesterā€™s first sustainable and organic garden.

To date, the Garden for Good has harvested nearly 4,000 pounds of organic fruits and vegetables. This amount is equivalent to providing 20,000 servings of home-grown food to local food banks in Chester and surrounding communities.

Stetser Elementary Tour Garden for Good
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