
Philadelphia Union is fully committed to providing a safe and positive environment for children and other vulnerable people participating in our many activities and initiatives. Safeguarding and child protection/welfare responsibilities is a duty of care we take very seriously. Our efforts to establish an environment include:

  • Supporting children and parents voice to promote their right to be and feel safe
  • Establish a “safety and welfare first” standard among our staff and personnel
  • Select cleared and certified people qualified to have regular contact with minors
  • Design safe environments for all participants, visitors and staff
  • Creating and promoting clear protocols to swiftly respond to issues or concerns

Reporting a Concern

Please contact 911 if you have an immediate concern regarding the imminent risk of harm to a child or vulnerable adult. If you have concerns regarding potential harm to self or thoughts of suicide, please contact 988. 

For child protection resources and referrals 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the United States or Canada, contact nonprofit organization Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-4-A-CHILD.

If you have a concern about the welfare of a child or the behavior of any Union representative towards a child or vulnerable adult, contact our Senior Director, Club Welfare and Compliance, Sheldon Phillips, at playersafe@philadelphiaunion.com or contact us through the form below.

Keeping Minors Safe in Sport

To learn more about safeguarding in the United States, the US Center for SafeSport offers free online courses for parents and minors. Available in multiple languages, you can take trainings found in the SafeSport Catalogue. Click below to learn more.