How do I sign up for the Phang’s Kids Club MVP kit?
You can become a MVP member of Phang's Kids Club by clicking here.
How will I receive the Phang’s Kids Club MVP kit?
Members can pick up their welcome kit at a Union home game. Visit the plaza before the game and stop by the Phang’s Kids Club table.
What are the age requirements to become a member?
Phang’s Kids Club is open to children aged 4 to 12.
How do I find out about news or upcoming Kids Club events?
Parents will receive email notifications about upcoming events.
Can I register more than one child for Phang’s Kids Club? Is there a discount for multiple registrations?
Yes, parents or guardians can register multiple children. However, there is no discount for registering more than one child.
How do I earn points with my MVP membership, and what are they used for?
MVP members earn points by checking in at the Phang’s Kids Club table before Union home matches at the plaza. These points contribute to the member leaderboard and increase your chances of winning monthly prize drawings.
Who can attend Phang’s Kids Club events?
All Kids Club members can attend events along with one accompanying parent or guardian. MVP members enjoy exclusive perks during certain events.
What’s included in the $40 MVP Kids Club Membership?
The MVP membership includes:
- MVP welcome kit with a lanyard & ID badge, scarf, stress ball, clear bag, and pennant
- Discounted Phang appearances
- Invitations to Phang’s Kids Club events
- Monthly newsletter
- Virtual birthday card
- Access to exclusive prize drawings based on participation
- Member of the Month recognition
- Express line access for Kids Night Kick
What’s included in the free membership?
The free membership includes:
- Discounted Phang appearances
- Invitations to Phang’s Kids Club events
- Monthly newsletter
- Virtual birthday card